Chrisbiantoro Chrisbiantoro



Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Berat Masa Lalu adalah sebuah fenomena yang terus membayangi perjalanan transisi keadilan di Indonesia. Beragam dugaan kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang terjadi pada era Orde Baru hingga saat ini, belum dapat diselesaikan secara akuntabel dan berkeadilan sesuai standar hukum HAM internasional. Impunitas masih menjadi kendala serius bagi Indonesia dan meskipun reformasi telah melewati 24 tahun sejak tahun 1998 hingga tahun 2022, pemenuhan, pemajuan dan perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia harus terus diupayakan. Keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan HAM dan Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang HAM adalah sebuah kemajuan dalam reformasi hukum dan HAM namun kedua regulasi tersebut tidak akan dapat berjalan optimal tanpa adanya dukungan dari mekanisme non yudisial seperti Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (KKR). Tahun 2004 Indonesia pernah mengesahkan undang-undang yang mengatur tentang mekanisme ini, namun sayang telah dibatalkan melalui proses uji materi di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Berikutnya patut kita tunggu bagaimana pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu bisa diselesaikan dengan kerangka hukum yang ada.



Past human rights abuses is a phenomenon that continues to cast a shadow over the course of the transitional justice in Indonesia. Various allegation of cases of gross violation of human rgiths that occurred during the New Order era have not been resolved in an accountable and fair manner in accordance with the international human rights law standards. Impunity is still a serious obstacle for Indonesia and even though political reform has passed 24 years since 1998 to 2022, efforts must be made to ensure fulfillment, promotion and protection of human rights. The existence of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court and Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights are progress in legal and human rights reform, but these two regulations will not be able to run optimally without the support of non-judicial mechanisms such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. (TRC). In 2004 Indonesia passed a law on National TRC, but unfortunately it was canceled through a judicial review process at the Constitutional Court. Subsequently, we should wait to see how past human rights abuses can be resolved within the existing legal framework.


Daftar Pustaka


Carrie Menkel Meadow, Restorative Justice : What is it and Does It Work ?, Annual Review, 2007

Colleen Murphy, A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation, Cambridge University Press,2010

Daniel Philpott, Just and Unjust Peace An Ethic of Political Reconciliation, Oxford University Press, 2012

Gerry Johnstone et al, Handbook of Restorative Justice, Willan Publishing, 2007

Jennifer Liewllyn, Handbook of Restorative Justice: Truth Commission and Restorative Justice, Willan Publishing, (Gerry Johnstone et al, eds 2006)

Jennifer Lind, Sorry States Apologies in International Politics, Cornel University Press, 2010

Judith Herman, MD, Trauma and Recovery The Aftermath of Violence – from domestic abuse to political terror, Basic Books, 1997

John H. McGkynn et al., Indonesia in the Soeharto Years : Issues, Incidents and Images Jakarta, Lontar Foundation, 2005

Marlies Glasius, Foreign Policy on Human Rights its Influence on Indonesia under Soeharto, Oxford, 1999

Phil Clark, The Gacaca Courts Post – Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda, Cambridge University Press, 2010

Priscilla B. Hayner, Unspekable Truths Transitional Justice and the Challenge of Truth Commissions, Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 2010

Tim Lindsey et al, Indonesia Law and Society, the Federation Press, 2008

The Commission for Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Derailed Transitional Justice in Indonesia Since the Fall of Soeharto, 2011.


David A. Crocker, Retribution and Reconciliation, Report from the Institute and Public Policy, 2000

David Cohen, Intended to Fail the Trials before the Ad Hoc Human Rights Court in Jakarta, the International Center for Transitional Justice, 2003

Suzannah Linton, Accounting for atrocities in Indonesia', Singapore year book of international law and contributors, 2006

Laporan Penelitian

Laporan Tim Gabungan Pencari Facta Peristiwa Tanggal 13 – 15 Mei 1998; Ringkasan Eksekutif ( Report of the Joint Fact Finding Team on the Events of 13 – 15 May 1998: executive summary, October 23, 1998

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Imparsial and the Commission for Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), Shadows and Clouds Human Rights in Indonesia – Shady Legacy, Uncertain Future, 2010

The joint report of the Institute of Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (ELSHAM) and the International Center for Transitional Justice, The Past That Has Not Passed: Human Rights Violations in Papua Before and After Reformasi. It also available at;

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Considering Victims The Aceh Peace Process from a Transitional Justice Perspective, January 2008

The Annual Report of the Asia Human Right Commission, The Decay of Pancasila and Constitutional Protection, 2011. It also available at;

The Annual Report of the Asia Human Right Commission, The State of Human Rights in Indonesia in 2009. It also available at;

The Amnesty International, Commissioning Justice: Truth Commissions and Criminal Justice, 2010. It also available at;

Report of the Joint Fact Finding Team on the Events of 13 – 15 May 1998: executive summary, October 23, 1998

The ASIA Human Rights Commission (AHRC), INDONESIA: Lack of effective witness and victim protection. It available at

The Commission for Disappeared and Victims of Violence’ Monitoring Trialreport;

the Asian Federation against Involuntary Disappeared (AFAD); The Political Reality at the Human Rights Tribunal of Tanjung Priok case. Available at;

The Report of the International Center for Transitional Justice, the CAVR and the 2006 Displacement Crisis in Timor Leste, 2012. It is available at

Perjanjian HAM Internasional

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), UN General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI), 16 December 1966, entered into force, 23 March 1976, U.N.T.S , vol. 999

The United Nations on Economic and Social Council, E/CN.4/2006, Promotion and Protection of Human Rights; Study on the Rights to Truth, Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights, 2006

The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (CAT), UN General Assembly Resolution 39/46, 10 December 1984, entered into force, 26 June 1987, UN, Treaty Series , vol. 1465

Undang-Undang Terkait Hak Asasi Manusia

Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan HAM

Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang HAM

Undang-Undang Nomor 27 Tahun 2004 Tentang Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi


The Jakarta Globe, AGO Rejects Komnas HAM Report on 1965 Massacres. Available at

The Jakarta Post, Govt denies 1965 rights abuses happened. Available at

The Jakarta Post, Soeharto deserve to be hero despite sinking the country in debt. Available at

The Jakarta Post, Soeharto deserve to be hero despite sinking the country in debt”,

The Jakarta Post, Apology for 1965 purge victims not necessary: GP Anshor It is available at

The Jakarta Post, In Geneva, Indonesia Promises more action on human rights,

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apology speech;



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